Organic Skincare

You eat organic and use organic products around your home, but what about your skincare routine and beauty products? For many years, people...

Social Media Influence

Social media provides a glimpse into the lives of others. It’s also become a hub for influencers, marketers, and internet-famous celebrities. So, how can...

Faith and Health

Integrating one's faith into their health journey is a unique and personal process that can profoundly affect both physical and spiritual well-being. In today's...

Nutrition Labels

Although health enthusiasts gravitate towards whole foods that don’t have labels on packaging, nutrition labels are a tool to help consumers make...

Natural Pregnancy Support

From thinking of baby names to decorating a nursery and creating a birth plan, pregnancy can be a beautiful time in a couple's lives...

What’s in your diffuser today?

Aromatherapy is a holistic tool that uses concentrated natural plant extracts, known as essential oils, to promote physical, mental, and emotional...

Bioenergetics is a cutting-edge field that combines biology, physics, and energy medicine principles to improve overall health and well-being.

Bioenergetics is a cutting-edge field that combines biology, physics, and energy medicine principles to improve overall health and well-being.

These days, it seems like everyone is talking about gut health.

These days, it seems like everyone is talking about gut health. Far from a trend, gut health is paramount to our overall well-being. As new research...

Mindful Weight Release

Mindful weight release is a concept that encourages us to gracefully and consciously let go of the unwanted "weight" that we carry...

Loving Your Liver

Do you know the liver’s love language? The importance of supporting our liver with the right forms of energy cannot be understated.

Utilizing Self-Compassion

"Love the client where they're at" is one of the philosophies we teach at Trinity. Whether you're working with a practitioner or making...

Enjoy a Well Rounded Diet

In the natural health world, “diet” goes beyond the calories, macros, and potential weight loss or gain that can occur as a result of eating certain foods.

Herbs can provide us with an array of internal physical benefits.

Herbs can provide us with an array of internal physical benefits. For example, many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.

When you’re on the go, it can be challenging to make healthy choices.

When you’re on the go, it can be challenging to make healthy choices. Whether you’re on a road trip or just shuttling the kids to practice.

Download this article to learn about the best means to support the body so you can fully enjoy the season, free from the experience of chronic low energy and possible illness.

Download this article to learn about the best means to support the body so you can fully enjoy the season, free from the experience of chronic low energy and possible illness.

Natural Health Professional

Learning how to support your body holistically can be one of the most powerful and gratifying experiences in your life.

Spingtime Support Kit

As we venture out to enjoy the spring weather, we’ll likely also encounter some of the familiar and forgotten challenges that go hand-in-hand with springtime bliss.


Cravings aren't just due to the dopamine-inducing effects of our favorite foods.

"Foundational choices" are a unique assortment of holistic practices to enrich well-being that can be used to assess a client's current lifestyle.

"Foundational choices" are a unique assortment of holistic practices to enrich well-being that can be used to assess a client's current lifestyle.

Discover a roadmap for holistically taking care of the teeth, mouth, and, consequently, overall health.

Discover a roadmap for holistically taking care of the teeth, mouth, and, consequently, overall health.

Download this health article to learn more about digestion and Bristol Stool Chart types.

Download this health article to learn more about digestion and Bristol Stool Chart types.

Learn about RBTI's motivation to keep the body in perfect health by analyzing seven measurements of urine and saliva samples

Learn about RBTI's motivation to keep the body in perfect health by analyzing seven measurements of urine and saliva samples

Considering a Detox?

Learn about ways to holistically support the body's cleansing mechanisms and how to select a detox that could be beneficial long-term.

Natural Ways to Support the Menstrual Cycle

Discover how you can better support yourself naturally throughout your menstrual cycle.

Pure H2O: Learn about different types of water, water requirements, and our top recommendations.

Pure H2O: Learn about different types of water, water requirements, and our top recommendations.

Learn about the nervous system and how nervine tonics may help to support this vital system.

Learn about the nervous system and how nervine tonics may help to support this vital system.

Pros and Cons of CBD Oil

CBD oil presents a variety of mental and physical health benefits, and you can easily incorporate it into your everyday life.

Whole-Person Self-Care Practices

Designing a holistic self-care plan can be freeing and inspiring, and your whole self can reap the benefits.

Holistic Stress Management

With practice and time — while being kind to yourself in the process — you can be better equipped to respond to stress from a mindset that promotes balance and healing.

Myths vs. Facts of Health-Conscious Home Products

Using health-conscious home products can be a great way to connect your living space to your healthy lifestyle choices and strengthen your self-care routine.

Avoiding Harmful Radiation

Radioactive material can be found in almost everything we come across day to day, both in nature and man-made products.

Chia Seeds Article

Chia seeds are versatile and easily incorporated into your everyday diet; even picky eaters can experience their advantages.

Supplements Article

Women can reap the benefits of natural supplements and experience a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Simple Food Swaps to Improve Nutrition

Making little changes to your eating habits can impact your overall wellness.

What can mindfulness and meditation do for you?

When you adopt a daily meditation practice, such as mindfulness, it can impact more than just your mind. The whole body can benefit.

What can macronutrients do for you?

Incorporating these 3 different macro food groups into your diet can help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Create a Positive Change

Check out these five tips for finding success with your health goals.

Inspire a Company-Wide Movement

Find out how you can inspire a company-wide wellness movement that can improve morale and increase productivity.

Relax, Recenter, and Recharge

Read this eBook to learn how you can identify burnout in your life and take steps to avoid it.

Support Your Nutrient Intake

These are some of our favorite natural supplements that work harmoniously to strengthen your hair, teeth, and nails.

3 Tips for Staying Fit Indoors

These 3 fitness tips can help you maximize your wellness even when you can't go outside.

Don't Let Advertisers Fool You

Don't let yourself be fooled by common advertising tricks. This eBook offers a few tips on selecting the healthiest products.

3 Ways to Keep Produce from Spoiling

Are you tired of throwing overripe fruits and vegetables into the trash? Read our eBook to learn three ways to keep your produce fresh.

Are You Running on Empty?

You don't need to run on empty anymore. Read our eBook to learn about some of the best natural energy sources.

Don't Let Technology Control Your Life

Find peace and rejuvenation away from the screen with these simple tips for a digital detox.

Is Coffee Good for You?

Drinking too much coffee can result in serious consequences. Download this eBook to learn how you can avoid them.

5 Wellness Tips for the Summer

Make the most of your summer season by prioritizing these simple wellness practices.

Kickstart Your Plant-Based Lifestyle

Update your daily habits with the tools and practices in this eBook to see how plants can change your life.

Is it Time to Slow Down?

Free yourself from a continuously moving lifestyle and take time to slow down with these tips.

Tips for Selecting Fresh Produce

Nothing is worse than spoiled produce. Read our tips for selecting perfectly ripe, healthy fruits and vegetables.

Stretches to Support Your Back & Neck

If you're dealing with neck or back pain, download our eBook to see a list of stretches that will help you reduce stiffness.

Love Your Skin

What does your skincare routine look like? Restore your complexion and support your body with the tips in this eBook.

Daily Wellness: 9 Foundational Practices

Build a balanced, complete wellness practice by focusing on your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Do You Have These Necessities?

Start your family's all-natural health toolkit with these 5 must-have items.

Ease Spring Allergies

If you're dealing with the sneezing, coughing, and itching of spring allergies, consider a few of these natural wellness tips.

Reducing Toxins in the Home

Take a look at a few natural methods of cooking and cleaning that will help you limit toxins in your day-to-day life.

Prioritize Your Heart's Needs

Are you putting your wellness at risk? Adopt these nourishing practices to support your heart health.

Stay Fit During the Winter

Do you want to stop your winter weight gain in its tracks? Download this eBook.

Protect Your Body from Harmful Molecules

This guide to antioxidants will help you incorporate more of the body's natural defense mechanisms into your diet.

Simple Tips for Post-Holiday Stress Relief

Adopt these five simple practices to restore and rejuvenate your spirit, mind, and body in the new year.

Kiss Your Headaches Goodbye

Use a few of our natural methods to relieve your headaches and achieve optimal wellness.

Your Fresh Start is Waiting for You

There are plenty of ways for you to turn your interest in holistic health into a profession—and you can do it all from the comfort of home.

Protect Yourself Against Germs

Read about the practices we recommend for promoting wellness during the cold winter months.

Natural Ways to Support Injury Recovery

Follow the recommendations in our eBook to take a holistic approach to recovering from injuries.

Make the Best Decisions for Your Body

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must make careful decisions about everything you consume—from groceries to supplements.

Cultivate Consistency in Your Wellness

Building endurance is the key to maintaining regular, healthy patterns—and the exercises in our eBook will help you invest in a long-term, sustainable workout routine.

5 Tips for a Better Nights Sleep

While there's no universal secret to being completely rested, these practices can prepare your mind and body to shut down for the night so that you wake up ready to face each day.

Best Herbs to Grow in Your Kitchen

The five herbs in this eBook are perfect for venturing into the practice of gardening—whether you're planting them inside or outside your home.

Transformative Practices

In the world of natural health, where do you begin to change your lifestyle? Read our white paper to see how becoming a Certified Natural Health Professional will help you pursue your passions.

Health Coaching

The unseen components of your wellness are some of the most important. Read our eBook to see how flower essences can make you feel better and be better.

Take Ownership of Your Wellness

No one knows your thoughts and feelings like you do. That's why it's imperative to examine your mind, spirit, and body in order to take a whole-person approach to maintaining your well-being.

Simple Steps Toward Effective Stress Management

Especially when holistic health practices are often met with skepticism, it can be hard to share your passion—but with the right approach, you can start a positive conversation about true wellness.

Health Coaching

With its emphasis on quick results, exercise is often painted primarily as a tool for weight loss—but true wellness goes deeper. It's time to take a new approach to fitness.

Simple Steps Toward Effective Stress Management

Stress causes physical, emotional, and mental repercussions, which is why it is important to address it.

Tips for Home Learning and Studying

If you're working from home, you should constantly evaluate your daily behaviors to determine whether you are achieving your full potential.

Health Coaching

The need for certified, skilled health coaches is on the rise. Find out how you can take the next step in empowering others toward wellness.

What Feeds You

Are you feeding your body well? Our eBook outlines some critical steps you can take to make sure you're pursuing whole-person wellness.

Natural Methods to Avoid Illness

Give your body the resources and supplements it needs to fight off any circulating illnesses with the practices in this eBook.

Picture of Health

It's impossible to find a universal definition for wellness; what works for you will not work for everyone else.

Educate Yourself

There's more to natural health than you think. If you want to truly find a routine that works, you must be educated on the right supplements and practices.

Journey Toward Holistic Wellness

Holistic wellness is a long-term journey that starts with a decision to pursue well-being in more than just the body.

Own Your Health

In a world full of advanced machines and experimental treatments, people often underestimate the power of holistic, natural health.

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