Lisa MacIntyre-Cox - CHHP, CMH, CNC, BCND

Lisa's Story

Restored and Redeemed

I have loved using alternative/natural methods for a very long time. It started when I was very young and could not handle most medications. When I was in my 20s, I started my research and looking for alternative ways. Dealing with my own personal issues with an autoimmune disorder fueled my passion even more. This has been a lifelong journey for myself, then as a mom for my children, and now for others.

I not only obtained my CHHP from Trinity, but I also went on to get my Master Herbalist Certification and Nutrition Coach Certification. I am now a Board Certified Naturopath and nurse. I have since embarked on my mission to help others with my business, “Restored and Redeemed,” where I assist with all kinds of health concerns. I have a passion for helping women’s issues and Veterans.

I have always enjoyed getting to know my clients, helping them find success and to walk beside them to help and guide. I enjoy helping to facilitate and plan together obtainable goals and celebrate when even the smallest of goals are met. It is how far you have come, not what you have yet to go. The journey of health is a great one.

It took me a long time to be able to take my first class with Trinity. I looked at the school years ago and kept their information. I would call every once in a while to ask questions. Then. I was able to attend, and so very glad I did. The instructors are amazing. They have traveled the less familiar roads and are well immersed in the fields they teach, with such knowledge, insight, and help. I am absolutely blessed to have found them years ago and now to be part of the Trinity family.