“With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” - Newton’s Third Law As modern medicine’s popularity increased, its shortfalls, such as painful and extensive side effects, became more apparent. These revelations during the twentieth century, along with other cultural movements, prompted a shift towards...
Exploring the Benefits of Antioxidants
The following article was originally published in "Health Keepers," a magazine created by Trinity's founder, Dr. Wendell Whitman. Health Keepers is a publication of Trinity School of Natural Health Inc. This article appeared in Volume 1 • Issue 3 • Summer 1998, pg 9-10, 30. This article originally titled, "Antioxidants"...
Why We Should Eat the Rainbow
This article was modified on 1/4/2022 to adhere to current legal and practical standards. "Eating the rainbow" is a common phrase among the health-conscious to encourage diversity in choice of food. Put down the Skittles and M&Ms. Those are not the rainbow-colored foods we're referring to here! A healthy diet...
How to Choose the Best Produce
It's that time of year when farmers markets pop up on country roadsides and produce is in delicious abundance. Fresh, juicy watermelons and golden, ripe corn on the cob await our consumption. Summertime makes it easy to enjoy the best kinds of healthy foods. The tricky part is deciding which...